Volunteer Opportunity at Withyham Parish Council
Application deadline 15th March 2024
Posted 1/3/2024
Ripple Effect Project – 9th & 10th March
Posted 28/2/24
Snowdrops for February – Groombridge WI
Posted 25/1/24
St Thomas’ Church Advent Fair
Saturday 18th November from 10.00am
Posted 30/10/2023
Groombridge Coronation Picnic
Sunday 7th May from 11.00am
Posted 28/4/2023
Blackham Country Players Present:
Neighbourhood Watch, on 17th – 20th May
Posted 21/4/2023
Wild Verge
Wild Groombridge Car Park Clearing
Wild Groombridge have been clearing the Car Park by the Wild Verge, and it looks brilliant!
This will help create a distinct boundary when the wild verge starts to grow throughout the year.
Wild Groombridge will be surveying the verge at 10am Saturday 8th April.
It’s outside The Old Station, Groombridge. Come along and get involved!
Posted: 6/4/2023
Withyham Parish Council’s APA – Saturday 20th May 2023
Posted: 6/4/2023
Prospective Councillor Information Event
Come join us for an informal chat to find out more at the Parish Office on 29th March from 10am till noon.
Posted: 19/3/2023
Wild Verge Survey – Saturday 18th February
Come and join the wild verge team as we survey the trial verge – all are welcome!
We will meet at the verge in front of The Old Station, Groombridge at 10AM on Saturday 18th February.
We will be taking photographs, adding them to the iNaturalist app, and noting what we find to create reports about what is growing now – and what will grow as we begin to manage the verge as a wild verge.
We will also be noticing what wildlife is visiting the verge.
Get involved, and sign up as a volunteer if you want to be part of the project!
For more information contact Stephanie at stephanie@withyhamparishcouncil.org.uk / call on 01892 864 557.
Posted: 9/2/23
These are dotted around the Parish at strategic points, some are provided by East Sussex County Council, and others are provided by the Parish Council.
These salt / grit bins are for the use of residents, on public footpaths and roads.
Just a sprinkle of salt will start snow and ice to melt. It does not need ‘bucket fulls’, just a sprinkle; vehicles and foot traffic will spread it wider.
In very low temperatures even salt won’t help, but as temperatures rise it will accelerate the melt.
If you find a bin empty, contact East Sussex Highways on 0345 6080 193 or via their website. If the bin has a Withyham Parish Council sign on it please leave a message at the Parish Office on 01892864557.
Highway Coordinator, Withyham Parish Council
Posted: 12/12/2022
Author reading with Sarah Jane Butler
Friday 2nd December 6:30pm – 9:00pm, The Junction Inn Groombridge
Sarah will be reading from her debut novel, Starling, which was published by Fairlight Books in September 2022 to enthusiastic reviews.
Inspired by the landscape of the High Weald, one reviewer said ‘Starling is a love letter to the natural world, a celebration of the threads that bind us to the land and to each other.’ If you’re wondering what that means, do come along and listen!
The event is free and open to everyone: just come to the Junction for a relaxed evening of reading and conversation about Starling in particular and writing in general.
East Grinstead Bookshop is co-organising the event and will be selling signed copies of Starling on the evening.
(You may remember Sarah’s name: she wrote the Groombridge community play, In It Together, in 2014.)
Posted: 25/10/2022
St Thomas’ Church Advent Fair
St Thomas’ Church will be holding their Advent Fair on Saturday 19th November:
Posted 21/10/2022
Recycle Week: Wealden launches online tool to help residents get recycling
This Recycle Week – which starts Monday 17 October – Recycle Now and Wealden District Council are getting real, about where we are, where we want to be and how we’re all going to get there, together.
Residents have more questions than ever about their recycling, and Wealden District Council is supporting Recycle Now by giving people real answers throughout the Week and beyond.
A new Recyclopedia online tool [external link, opens new window] allows residents to type in an item to see if it can be recycled, reused or repaired and where it can go.
This year’s campaign will focus on three common questions that many of us have when it comes to recycling: –
- Does my recycling really make a difference?
- One item in the bin can’t hurt, can it?
- Recycling is so confusing, Isn’t it?
By recycling we can really make a difference. In fact, recycling in the UK saves 18 million tonnes of Co2 a year – all these factors reduce greenhouse gas emissions which lead to climate change.
Posted 20/10/2022
Hospice In The Weald’s Starlight Stroll
Stroll and celebrate wonderful memories with Hospice in the Weald’s Starlight Stroll
Join them, and sign up at www.hospiceintheweald.org.uk [external link, opens a new window]
Posted 7/10/22
Death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II
1926 – 2022
Message from the Chairman of Withyham Parish Council:
“‘Withyham Parish Councillors, Officers and Volunteers are very saddened by the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Her loyalty to her country and the Commonwealth, her steadfastness in carrying out her role and dedication to her people have been an example to us all.
Our thoughts are with the Royal Family as they cope with their loss and with King Charles III as he begins his reign.”
Condolence Book
A Book of Condolence has been opened at Groombridge Post Office. It is available for all those across our Parish and beyond to write their messages of condolence at the following times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9-1 and 2-5.30, Wednesday 9-1 and Saturday 9-12.30. It will be available until the day after the funeral.
Parishioners may lay flowers beside the Platinum Jubilee tree on the grass bank at Newton Willows, Groombridge, near to Groombridge Old Station. Those flowers left anywhere else will be respectfully moved to this chosen place.
Further details about the funeral and what is happening at a national level can be found on the https://www.royal.uk/(external link) webpage.
Posted: 9/9/2022
Dementia Friendly Friday Cafes in Withyham:
Next Cafe 8th July!
Posted: 4/7/2022
Come along to the dementia friendly Friday Cafe at the King’s Hall in Withyham – it’s for anyone, any age who would like to meet new people or catch up with old friends.
Everyone is welcome!
The 8th of July Cafe will have music, a quiz and even a craft to try – we’ll see you there!
Notes from Withyham Parish Council’s APA – Saturday 28th May
The 2022 WPC APA was a wonderful event, and these are the full notes from the APA.
Withyham Parish Council’s APA – Saturday 28th May
Posted: 6/5/2022
Welcome Information for Ukrainians (with information and links in Ukrainian)
Volunteers from around the Parish and Withyham Parish Hall are compiling information packs and helpful links for Ukrainian people, with information translated into Ukrainian. The information can be found on the Withyham Village Hall’s Ukraine page [external link, opens a new window].
Posted 5/5/2022
New Explore Wealden Guide Available
Wealden District Council have created their new Explore Wealden maps and attractions guide [external link, opens a new window] with a host of exciting things to see and do in the local area – click on the link to check it out!
Posted 5/5/2022
Repair Café Forest Row – Saturday 16th April
“Before you bin it, see if the Repair Café can help.
We have repairers that can help with your broken toaster, a rip in your jeans or a bike that has a brake issue. So bring down your items for us to fix.
The next Repair Café will be held on Saturday 16th April in the Community Centre, Hartfield Road. We will be open from 10-1pm with last orders taken at 12.30. We have coffee and cake too.
For more details see our Facebook page or email us at repaircafefr@gmail.com. ”
Posted 1/4/2022
Dementia Friendly Friday Cafe, King’s Hall Withyham – 11th March
Forget Me Not’s dementia friendly Friday Cafe will be held for the first time on 11th March. Tea, coffee and cake will be served in the first half an hour with time to chat, followed
by fun and memory provoking or craft activity for the next hour. It will be held at the Kings’ Hall Withyham between 10:30 – 12:00. Please contact Julie Ruse if you would like to attend on 07584 013763.
This is a free service, funded by donations and volunteers for anyone, any age that would like to socialise. Carers and family members are expected to stay for Dementia sufferers that aren’t independent. It is open to anyone in the surrounding villages – please help us to spread the word, more details and dates are on the Friday Cafe poster.
Posted: 9/3/2022
The Great British Spring Clean 25th March – 10th April 2022
Keep Britain Tidy’s The Great British Spring Clean will be on from 25th March 2022 – 10th April 2022.
Sign up at Keep Britain Tidy and find out how you can help with this brilliant Nationwide initiative!
Wealden District Council are providing resources for local residents, you can find more information at Wealden District Council.
Posted: 2/3/2022
WPC Grant Applications 2022-23 Budget
Every year Withyham Parish Council invites local groups to apply for funding through the Grants Application process. Withyham Parish Council’s Finance and Administration Committee or Council will be considering grant applications through the year.
If your group or organisation contributes to the welfare of the community within the Parish by improving or supporting the activities/facilities and would like to be considered for financial support you can find all the information on the Community Grants page.
Posted: 11/2/2022
February Community Cafe – Cancelled
Unfortunately due to high rates of covid cases in the UK the 26th February Community Cafe will not be going ahead as planned. Check our What’s On calendar for 2022 events.
Posted: 8/2/2022
Salt / Grit Bins
These are dotted around the Parish at strategic points, some are provided by East Sussex County Council, and others are provided by the Parish Council.
These salt / grit bins are for the use of residents, on public footpaths and roads.
Just a sprinkle of salt will start snow and ice to melt. It does not need ‘bucket fulls’, just a sprinkle; vehicles and foot traffic will spread it wider.
In very low temperatures even salt won’t help, but as temperatures rise it will accelerate the melt.
If you find a bin empty, contact East Sussex Highways on 0345 6080 193 or via their website. If the bin has a Withyham Parish Council sign on it please leave a message at the Parish Office on 01892864557.
Highway Coordinator, Withyham Parish Council
Posted: 2021
Boundary Commission
The Boundary Commission are currently conducting a consultation on the proposed new constituency boundaries in England. Here is Withyham Parish Council’s response to the Boundary Commission.
Posted: 2021