Skip to main content Withyham Parish Council Withyham Parish Council Logo Withyham Parish Council Offices at the old Groombridge Station Withyham Parish Council,
The Old Station, Station Road,
TN3 9RD Groombridge,
East Sussex, 01892864557

Climate and the Parish Plan

The 2020-2024 Parish Plan has 4 Golden Threads.

These are key focuses for the Council which run through all 10 sections of the Parish Plan.

The 4 Golden Threads are:

  • Supporting climate protection initiatives.
  • Building resilience in terms of promoting community self-help.
  • Continuing to listen to and respond to community needs.
  • Effectively promoting the work of WPC throughout the parish.


Section 2 – The Environment

The 2nd Section of the 2020-2024 Parish Plan is dedicated to The Environment.

The Environment section is about:

“Ensuring that reducing environmental impact is paramount in effecting the decisions we make as a council; and encouraging residents to take action to protect the environment”.

Parish Plan 2020-2024 Section2 The Environment

One of the key actions from this section of the Parish Plan was to set up a Climate & Ecological Advisory Group.

This group will look at the actions from the Parish Plan in combination with the results for the Parish from carbon calculating tools, to see what next steps can be recommended to Council.

The Climate & Ecology Advisory Group held it’s first meeting on 20th June 2023, and it was an inspiring first meeting!

The group is made up of both Councillors and residents, and we have a few spots left – so if you’d like to be part of the group or find out a bit more about what’s happening contact: / 01892 864 557.

You can find out more about the Climate and Ecology Advisory Group and what it has been up to on the Climate and Ecology Advisory Group section of our website.

You can also check out the Agendas and Minutes of the Climate and Ecology Advisory Group .